ABTG II: Art Share LA
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Art Share LA, a sanctuary for the arts in downtown LA, has been announced as the fundraising recipient for Art Beyond the Glass II, taking place on Sunday, June 30, 2013 at the historic Los Angeles Athletic Club. Art Share LA was founded in 1997 by Chip Austin Hunter as an affordable housing project and community arts center. The nonprofit organization maintains a 28,000 square-foot warehouse in the heart of the Arts District. Past programs have included BLAST (Building Language Arts Skills Together), FACT (Families and Communities Together) and a variety of free classes in dance, visual arts, music and recording arts. After a reorganization period, Art Share LA was reborn in the summer of 2012 and now includes an Artist Residency of 30 affordable live-work lofts and a Venue with a 99-seat theater, gallery, painting studio, and class/meeting/rehearsal rooms.
Proceeds from Art Beyond the Glass II, including presale tickets, limited door admission, on-site art sales, raffle and silent auction, will be donated to Art Share LA.