Art Beyond the Glass V Raises $25,000 for Global Inheritance
Florence Hartigan of Big Bar performs at ABTG V | Photo by Eugene Lee
Art Beyond the Glass celebrated its five-year anniversary in a big way: more than 100 bartenders, 30+ sponsors, and hundreds of guests gathered at Resident this past June for an afternoon of cocktails, culture and community. Located in the Arts District, Resident hosted ABTG V in its beautiful beer garden, indoor live music stage, and the adjacent alley for an unforgettable indoor-outdoor experience.
Global Inheritance information booth at ABTG V | Photo by Eugene Lee
Continuing its streak of topping the previous year's fundraising total, ABTG V donated over $25,000 to Global Inheritance, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that uses art to develop experiences that educate individuals about global issues and inspire them to take positive actions that create solutions.
Team Bitter Truth, L to R: Beau du Bois, Adam Fournier, Michael Lay (back row); Ryan Wainwright, Bethany Ham (front row) | Photo by Eugene Lee
Bartenders and their sponsors outdid themselves this year, with themes ranging from surgeons and airline pilots to rock icons and The Bitter Truth team, who hired a professional makeup artist to "age" them into bitter old bartenders!
After the jump, read on for highlights from the biggest Art Beyond the Glass ever. For more photos of ABTG V, visit the Art Beyond the Glass Facebook page. Much love and see you next June!
Photo by Eugene Lee
Suntory Whisky Toki highball cart | Photo by Eugene Lee
The Liquid Alchemist doctors are "IN" | Photo by Eugene Lee
Now boarding: Classic & Vintage with your captain, Devon Espinosa | Photo by Eugene Lee
Set sail with the House of Agricole: Christopher Day, Dan McClary, Chris Amirault, Kiowa Bryan (L to R) | Photo by Eugene Lee
Anna Knudson moved the audience to tears with her spoken word | Photo by Eugene Lee
Good times in the Suntory Whisky Toki lounge | Photo by Eugene Lee
Co-sponsored by Jägermeister and Ilegal, the dunk tank was a big hit | Photo by Eugene Lee
Our friends at Bar Keeper donated their sales to Global Inheritance | Photo by Eugene Lee
Just a few weeks before he opened Here's Looking At You, Chef Jonathan Whitener graciously donated and served roasted pork banh mi at ABTG V | Photo by Eugene Lee
Louis Anderman's new favorite person flew all the way from Chicago to bid on this year's Miracle Mile Bitters gift set. His winning bid was $600, a new record! | Photo by Eugene Lee
Congrats to Nishant Narayan, who won the Instant Home Bar raffle! | Photo by Eugene Lee
Art Beyond the Glass V was made possible with the generous support of our sponsoring brands: The 86 Co., Angel's Envy, Auchentoshan, Aviation, Bacardi, Back Bar Project, The Bitter Truth, BroVo Spirits, Bulldog Gin, Classic & Vintage, Courvoisier, Del Maguey, El Silencio, Encanto, FEW Spirits, Golden Road Brewing, House of Agricole, Ilegal Mezcal, Jack Daniel's, Jägermeister, La Niña del Mezcal, Liquid Alchemist, McCluskey Group, Owl's Brew, Pisco Porton, The Rum Society, Rutte, SelvaRey Rum, Stark Spirits, St-Germain, Suntory Whisky Toki, Chartreuse, Cornerstone, Evian, Jarritos, Miracle Mile Bitters, Perricone, West Coast Ice Provisions and Winship's Bitters.